Weekend Special
Sticking with the Brenda Fassie flavour to end off this week of her passing, we bring you the finest ingredient in the 1980's South Africa Bubblegum Stew, here at iVoodoo Kishin. Weekend Special still gets the floor pumping, as I'm sure it will continue to do for years to come, but to my dismay and surprise, it would seem that there are very few other blogs out there which feature Ma Brrr's tunes. I go to Elbows, I go to Hype Machine, and the picture I'm getting is that only two blogs that feature her - World's Greatest Music, and yours truly, in all of this wild world webness? Tsk. Aibo. Let's see what we can do about remedying that, shall we?
Start your weekend with a Weekend Special. Can't go wrong.
Start your weekend with a Weekend Special. Can't go wrong.