Locked, Loaded and Ready To Burn

By Travis Lyle a.k.a DJ Hedmekanik

Tankwa Town (Population: 1000 nutters)
(image courtesy Monique Schiess, www.afrikaburns.com)

Cheers, goodbye, au revoir, auf wiedersehen, hamba kahle, totsiens and sayonara. Well, at least until we Camp AmaDeadlyDisco members make it back from AfrikaBurn on the unforgiving Karoo platteland, hopefully in one piece. At which time, yes, you can expect to read a rambling account of mad voodoo on the rock-strewn wastes of the Tankwa Karoo.

We're locked, loaded and ready to rock the jol - sound system? Check. Lights? Check. Stretch tents? Check. Poles? Check. Liquor? Check. Food? Check. Vitamins, minerals, lip balm, sunscreen and, most importantly, seven 20-litre water containers and two coolies (currently empty, to be filled at the very last convenience)? Check. Inflatable chill area couches? Check. Discoballs? Check. Spare tyre? Check. Tyre-weld aerosols? Check and check.

Right. All seems in order.

All systems go, go, go!

See you in two weeks.

4 comments so far.

  1. Anonymous October 24, 2008 at 12:50 PM
    I believe one of our crocs escaped from our camp and made it down to the ayrie vibes of the Ama Deadly camp.

    Look after him, he doesn't eat much.

  2. Travis Lyle a.k.a DJ Hedmekanik October 24, 2008 at 12:54 PM
    Howzit, Hedgehog!

    At last, an explanation as to where the hell the green croc came from!
    My wife and I were hanging out, kinda bent outta shape at that stage, and I suddenly saw this croc come sliding - zoom! - right up next to me. Musta been the wind?
    We have him, or at least our mate Dael has him, up in the Midlands, where I'm sure he'll be taken good care of.

    Thanks, and all the best till the next Burn!

    (Will be posting a review on here shortly, possibly today.)

  3. Anonymous October 31, 2008 at 2:46 PM
    Ha Ha

    Had a chat to you, and I thought a croc might just get your arse off the couch. My intention was to scare the bejeezus out of you!... (in a nice way of course)

    You guys had a great place man, and we will catch up next year. Certainly we are going to go huge next year and would love to collaborate.

    The schmangled idiots dressed as guantanamo bay inmates and suicide bombers?... that was us. Our "theme" was blow-it-up and we were practicing party terrorism by placing inflatables balloons and li-lo's randomly. The croc was for the dudes from durbs, we figured our Okavango guys would give their back teeth to have a chill down on the coast.
    You have to keep the secret though.


  4. Travis Lyle a.k.a DJ Hedmekanik October 31, 2008 at 2:58 PM
    Hedgehog, you bastard - you should know better than messing with someone's head when they're...uh...messy. Jeez, I had no frikkin idea where it came from. You say you spoke to me? Jayzus, I was well bent, but do remember the Guantanamo's and what what. Nice touch!
    Loving the inflatable ideas - all our chill couches were inflatable - let's put our heads together and make something mentally grand!

    Secret's safe with us!

    Nice one, Hedgehog - have an amadeadly weekend!

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